Monthly Archives: December 2010

Happy Holidays from Koh Tao

Happy Holidays! I’ve been a bit busy since coming back to Thailand and haven’t updated the blog in a while. I am currently on Koh Tao, getting my Advanced Open Water Certification and enjoying the social life on the island. … Continue reading

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“The Let Go”

“The Let Go” is a term I use to describe a shift in the state of mind that usually occurs a few weeks into a long period of traveling. If you’ve ever taken a vacation or gone traveling for more … Continue reading

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Even the Ghosts Prefer Mineral Water

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I’m in Bangkok again after flying back from Singapore last night, and already getting ready to return to the airport and head down to Koh Tao where a diving certification course and New Years parties await… The trip to Singapore … Continue reading

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Impressions of Singapore

I’ve been in Singapore for 3 days now and starting to form an opinion about this interesting city. It is one of the most international city I’ve been and has lots of westerners and other ethnicities running around, although I … Continue reading

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View from Monte Vista

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Back in the Khao San

I was warned that Thailand tends to become very busy around Christmas/New Years and indeed this is the case. It was very hard to find train tickets from Surat Thani back to Bangkok and I ended up taking the last … Continue reading

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I’ve been on Koh Phangan for about a week now, chilling, eating well, sleeping, reading, partying a bit and seeing some of the sights such as Phaeng waterfall and the magnificent view from the top of that hill. But now … Continue reading

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Elephants crossing

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Easy Rider

I’ve never driven a motorcycle. I rode as a passenger but never actually drove one. Until today that is. And I can finally understand why people really get into it. Despite thunderstorms all of last night this morning was clear … Continue reading

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