Author Archives: yariv

Burning Man 2012

As you can see I didn’t really blog during my US road trip, mostly because of non reliable Internet. There are some photos at least. The trip finished exactly a year ago and I am now again in full Burningman … Continue reading

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North American Road Trip

I’ll be doing a road trip in the North West of the US from the 4th of July until mid August. Perhaps I’ll even blog about it.

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Last Post from Southeast Asia

Back in Bangkok for something like the 6th time and the feeling is mixed. On one hand I am sad to finish the time in SE Asia, but I am also looking forward to meeting everybody in California and start … Continue reading

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Last Minute Change of Plans

Pai ended up being one of my favorite places in Thailand and a nexus of synchronicity. I could have easily stayed there for a month, unfortunately at this phase of the trip I need to wrap things up. On the … Continue reading

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Chaing Mai vs. Chiang Rai

I was noticing a trend in reports of people coming from North Thailand. The new travelers were raving about Chiang Mai while the ones doing it for a while said Chiang Rai is much nicer. Now I can understand why. … Continue reading

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Are You Experienced?

Wow, the last few days were so full of excitement! First of all was the Gibbon Experience. So much fun and so highly recommended! If you ever make it to Laos then don’t dare skip it. Even if you are … Continue reading

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Wrapping Up Laos

I’m starting to feel like I’m done with Laos, and the timing is perfect because I have just one more thing scheduled here: a visit to the “Gibbon Experience”. It is a 3 day stay on a very comfortable tree … Continue reading

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Happy Laos New Year!

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Under Attack

It’s holiday season here in Laos (also Thailand BTW), as the Buddhist new year is coming in just a few days. Traditionally it is celebrated by throwing water at each other on the streets, as appropriate for the middle of … Continue reading

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Party City

If you came here because of my Facebook post about returning to California then yes, it’s an April’s fools joke and I’m not going anywhere except North Laos. What am I crazy? But I’m sure you knew I wasn’t serious … Continue reading

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