Happy Holidays from Koh Tao

Happy Holidays! I’ve been a bit busy since coming back to Thailand and haven’t updated the blog in a while. I am currently on Koh Tao, getting my Advanced Open Water Certification and enjoying the social life on the island. The “regular” Open Water + Nitrox certifications are already behind me and I am looking forward to the 5 dives that are coming up – one of them during the night…

The dive school I joined had a big Christmas party last night, with a delicious open buffet, live music and drinks. The new dive masters also did their “snorkel test” which was funny to watch. If you don’t know what it is then I’ll let you google it yourself to find out.

What’s next for me? Something like this:
– A few more days on Koh Tao to finish the dives and chill a bit.
– 3 nights in Koh Phangan to say ‘hi’ to some friends and do a few dives at “Sail Rock”.
– Back to Koh Tao for New Years and the psytrance party here.
– Visit the other side of the Peninsula: Koh Phi Phi, Krabi, etc.
– Back to Bangkok and from there to Bhutan between January 10th and the 16th.
– Back to Thailand and then figure out if I want to visit the north and continue to Laos, or instead do the Cambodia > Vietnam > Laos route.

Stay tuned…

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