Back in the Khao San

I was warned that Thailand tends to become very busy around Christmas/New Years and indeed this is the case. It was very hard to find train tickets from Surat Thani back to Bangkok and I ended up taking the last train which leaves at 11:30pm and arrives around 10:30am the next day. It involved some wait at the origin but it is perfect to get to the hotels around check-out time and have more options. Up until now the Thais have been extremely punctual, but unfortunately the train was about 3 hours late so I got very little sleep, arrived late to Khao San but manged to find a decent place after all. Knowing how CalTrain is back in SF I can’t actually complain because they are even worse… The sleeper car was pretty nice and clean, and they even serve breakfast in bed!

In case you don’t know, Khao San road is the backpackers street in Bangkok. If you’ve been to Delhi then think “main bazaar”. It is quite a sharp change from the calm and soothing time at Monte Vista Healing Center back in Koh Phangan. I had an awesome time there and the staff & other guests were really nice and professional. We had a yoga class every morning and I really got into it. After 5 days I could clearly see an improvement in my flexibility and genral well being. Since I am totally out of shape right now I think I will try to keep the routine going and dedicate 30 minutes in the morning to do some exercises and get my body in gear for the tracking that’s ahead. I even got a yoga mat so I have no excuses, although I hope that carrying it won’t become too much of a burden. Friends, please slap me if I EVER become a yoga elitist snob (sorry to offend, but you know exactly what I mean ).

So back to Khao San, if I though it was busy when I first got here 2 weeks ago then now it’s really crazy and packed to the rim. At least I am getting more adapt at travel life and have more confidence eating on the streets and chatting with the Thais. I even feel qualified to help other travelers that just landed… All this “hecticness” has forced me to have firm plans for the upcoming weeks. Tomorrow I am flying to Singapore where I will spend 9 days. I’ll then fly back to Bangkok and immediately take a train and boat to Koh Tao (booked). There I have signed up for a diving class and will stay on the island until past New Years. By then I hope that the holidays travelers will dissipate and it will be less crowded. I’m still not sure where I want to go afterwards and I’m thinking maybe Myanmar (Burma) and Bhutan.

Some of you have asked for more pictures. They are coming very soon, please bear with me…

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