Impressions of Singapore

I’ve been in Singapore for 3 days now and starting to form an opinion about this interesting city. It is one of the most international city I’ve been and has lots of westerners and other ethnicities running around, although I haven’t seen any Israelis yet which is very strange. I thought it would be refreshing to visit a real modern city after Bangkok but it didn’t turn out like that at all. Since it is so modern then the prices are accordingly high and to fully experience what it has to offer I need to go way over my budget. So in spite of the available options I am staying and eating at crummy places, way below my standard in Thailand.

Travel tip of the day: if your external hard drive crashes, try to have it happen in Singapore around Christmas time… Mine started giving me all kinds of trouble so I decided to replace it before all the data is lost. I went to a mall called “Funan Digital Life” which sounded promising and turned out to be a geeks ultimate wet dream. 5 floors of computers, gadgets, video games and electronics. They had EVERYTHING including specialty stores such as one called “glitter” that only sold cases (for iPhones, computers, etc.) that have shiny elements.

It was very nice to meet Barratt and Asuka for dinner and drinks on Sunday. We finished the evening at Clark Quay and sat at a bar called Clinic where the stools are wheel chairs and some drinks are served in syringes or IV bags. I’ve been walking all over town in the last few days, enjoying some of the neighborhoods and the colonial architecture. Today I am going to venture to the “countryside” to see the famous zoo and night safari.

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