
I’m in Bangkok again after flying back from Singapore last night, and already getting ready to return to the airport and head down to Koh Tao where a diving certification course and New Years parties await… The trip to Singapore was VERY enjoyable, thanks mostly to my wonderful hosts Barratt and Asuka who showed me around and introduced me to some of the less touristy parts of the city. Thanks guys, it was great!

Singapore reminded me of the USA in many ways. It is a highly consumer driven country but despite of all its wealth there is a very poor health care and retirement plans for its citizens so they need to work hard and save most of their lives. It’s very shiny on the outside but I won’t be surprised if the “poorer” countries around are generally happier. It’s also very hard to make any change because of the one party political system, censorship and limitations on protesting. Still, the people are very friendly, intelligent and easy going.

It’s been said before that Singapore is a Mecca for foodies and I fully agree. I’ve probably gained more weight than I lost during the detox… The location of the city and its multinational character offer a wide selection of cooking styles and dishes, and you don’t even have to go to the fancy restaurants to enjoy it. I got my fill of Dim Sam, Laksa (my favorite local food), north + south Indian food and some items yet to be identified.

It also turns out that Singapore has a psytrance scene run by the local Om Project crew, and they had a party right on my last night in the city! It took place in an absinthe bar so you can imagine what state I was in by the end of the night. Ironic, isn’t it? I hardly partied in Thailand but rocked it in one of the most strict countries in Asia…

Alright, time to pack and head once again to the islands…

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