Wrapping Up Laos

I’m starting to feel like I’m done with Laos, and the timing is perfect because I have just one more thing scheduled here: a visit to the “Gibbon Experience”. It is a 3 day stay on a very comfortable tree house in the middle of the jungle near a large concentration of gibbons. We’ll be tracking every day for a few hours but the highlight is the way we reach the tree house and move around using an elaborate system of zip lines! At least in theory it sounds super cool but I’m trying not to set my expectations too high. After that my Laos visa runs out in 2 days so I’ll be returning to Thailand and probably start with Chiang Rai, making my way to Bangkok over the following 3 weeks.

North Laos turned out to be a bit bland. The activities and views here are not as exciting as the central part. The river ride from Luang Prabang to the village of Nong Khiaw was gorgeous but since then there was nothing much to do. I went on a 2 day track in the jungle of Nam Ha National Park but because of the number of tourists in the last few years the animals are long gone and the views are obscured by the trees. It was more fun to just rent a motorcycle and zip around the area on my own, but the views are not as spectacular as before. There is a cool cave here though. So overall I am happy to move on into the final stage of my Asian adventure.

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