Under Attack

It’s holiday season here in Laos (also Thailand BTW), as the Buddhist new year is coming in just a few days. Traditionally it is celebrated by throwing water at each other on the streets, as appropriate for the middle of the dry season. The kids however are eager to start early and even though it hasn’t been especially dry this year and there are a few days to go, the little devils are already lurking behind every car and street corner ready to empty a bucket over the unsuspecting “Falang” (tourist) that walks by. I don’t mind it so much, just afraid for my camera…

I am back in Luang Prabang, the gateway to the north of the country, after a few short adventures in the central region. I won’t make it to the south because I don’t have much time and I’ve already sampled what that area has to offer from the Cambodian side. I am still constantly overwhelmed by the natural beauty of this country and its impressive landscapes. Green hills, mountains and rivers everywhere – so different from where I’ve visited to far. I don’t think there is a single straight road in the entire country though.

I can’t believe that I go back to California in only 5 weeks. Where did the time go?!? It’s starting to feel like I need to hurry up a bit and make more structured plans than I’ve done so far. The next two weeks are dedicated to Laos and the final three to Northern Thailand. All engines full steam ahead!

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