The Ocean Is Calling Again

I’ve been in Cambodia for over two weeks now and unfortunately starting to get exhausted by the general attitude. The constant pestering by vendors, tuk-tuk drivers and beggars is starting to get to me and it also seems everybody is constantly trying to mark-up prices, even in hotels and with people who work with many tourists. It is very different than things in Thailand which seems a lot less greedy.

Anyhow, I arrived a few hours ago to the coastal town of Sihanoukville which is much more laid back and I am hopeful that there will be some escape from the pestering over here. Being here made me realize how much I’ve missed the ocean. The time in Thailand while doing the diving certification really changed my attitude towards it (and it’s inhabitants) and now that I’m so close I just want to go back in as soon as possible.

Another reason for coming to this town was to get a visa for Vietnam, but the info in the guidebook turned out to be wrong so the consulate is actually closed on Saturday and my plans for the weekend would have to change slightly. I’ll probably go diving tomorrow and perhaps even spend the night on one of the islands here. I’ll decide when I get there. Isn’t freedom wonderful?

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