Author Archives: yariv

It Is Time for Stormy Weather

The weather has been far from cooperative in the last 2 weeks and it’s been gray and rainy pretty much since Hue. I’ve kept going north hoping that things will improve but it doesn’t look like it and forecast is … Continue reading

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The First Rule of Riding a Motorcycle in Ha Noi is…

Whatever you do, don’t stop. Picture was taken while riding, not while driving in case you were wondering. I’m not quite feeling up to driving in Ha Noi.

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Thank you Maike

Chance encounter turned to friendship and then to a heart warming romance. Grateful for the time together but now we continue our separate ways as we knew we would. Much love to you Maike and hope to see you in … Continue reading

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Gratitude and Latitude

What a turbulent week… Much love and support go out to all my brothers and sisters in Japan. I hope your families are alright and that the country will pull though soon from this chain of events. It’s times like … Continue reading

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In Love With Vietnam

I am having such a great time in Vietnam! All the good things I heard about it are true, at least for the south of the country. Just a smile can get you a long way over here and I’m … Continue reading

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Separated at Birth?

Is it just me or are they really similar? Colonel Sanders (KFC) vs. Ho Chi Minh. I feel like all the bank notes are KFC ads…

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It’s good to be back in a large city. I’ve been in laid back towns for the last 3 weeks and missed the city vibe. Or perhaps it’s specifically Saigon (Ho Chi Minh City) that I like – from the … Continue reading

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Very Reassuring Hotel Sign

Hotel sign on inside of door at Sihanouk Ville. Usually these signs have the check-out time, but this hotel appears to be a tad more strict. The other guests didn’t appear like slave traders at all, but looks can be … Continue reading

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South Cambodia Beach Report

I am just about finished with my time in Cambodia and very soon will be moving on to Vietnam. In the last two weeks I’ve been chilling at the southern beaches of the country, which for some reason are not … Continue reading

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The Ocean Is Calling Again

I’ve been in Cambodia for over two weeks now and unfortunately starting to get exhausted by the general attitude. The constant pestering by vendors, tuk-tuk drivers and beggars is starting to get to me and it also seems everybody is … Continue reading

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